About us
Shaun Murkett Acoustic Consultants Ltd, formed in 1997, is now a well established Acoustic Consultancy based in London. We provide professional technical advice on all matters concerning noise and acoustics.
We undertake noise surveys and produce comprehensive acoustic reports containing advice and recommendations to resolve all types of noise and vibration issues.
Our clients range from large organisations such as Marks and Spencer and Network Rail, to Local Government and many London Local Authorities, also well known Architects and Developers, to leading Solicitors and Barristers Chambers. We also have many night club and bar owners, from small independents to large arts organisations.
The enthusiastic team of Acoustic Consultants and technical support staff are all well experienced, qualified, and have a wide range of specialist skills to enable us to resolve your noise issue, and guide you through your project to a successful conclusion.
We respond promptly at short notice, and offer a professional, reliable service.

Shaun Murkett
BSc. C.Eng. MIET.,MIEE., MIOA., MInstSCE., Principal Consultant and Managing Director, is a full member of the Institute of Acoustics, Institute of Engineering Technology, (formerly the Institute of Electrical Engineers), and is a Chartered Engineer. He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Licensing, and the company is on the list of Approved Professional Consultants with the Institute of Acoustics.
Shaun Murkett Acoustics were helpful, reliable and
professional in their noise surveys and reports for us on this project, and covered all the requirements;
we shall certainly use them again.

Tom Sykes, Architect
Burd Haward Architects, London.
Our services range from ...
• General noise and vibration surveys
• Comprehensive acoustic reports
• Detailed Acoustic design.
• Environmental Assessments
• Sound and vibration tests with final certificates
• Legal expert witness
Our clients include ...
• Architects, Planners, and Project Managers
• Developers and Construction Companies
• Solicitors and Barristers
• Senior Managers, Large Retailers
• Night club, Restaurant, and Bar owners
• Local Authorities, Large Industrial Companies
• Mosques, Theatres, Schools, Arts Organisations

Please contact us now to discuss your particular noise issue